Tooth Surface Protection



CakeLooking for Protective Technologies for Tooth Surfaces

Our client, a Fortune 500 company, invites proposals for novel protective technologies which can adhere to tooth surfaces. Farmavita.Net is looking for  parties with the potential to respond to this request. Please foeward this opportunity, If you are connected to  contacts who might have expertise in this area.





Your response is shoudl be  an introduction to Farmavita`s client of who you are, your capabilities, and what type of possible solution you can offer. This is an initial opportunity to present your innovation for further discussion. Your response should be a non-enabling disclosure. Your response must not contain any confidential information or information that would enable someone else to replicate your invention without paying for it.

Your goal is to provide a compelling description of your proposed solution to trigger the interest of the  decision makers and the people with the technical and business knowledge to make the final decision.

Your prposal should be within a 3-page limit, but you may use as many pages as necessary to present relevant and compelling information.

Our Client wants to learn about...
• WHAT your technology does and a general description of how it works (You may include a more detailed discussion if your intellectual property (IP) has been secured appropriately)
• How your solution addresses the specifications in the RFP
• What differentiates your solution from others in the field
- Unique aspects of your technology
- How your solution overcomes drawbacks of other existing technologies
• Performance or technical data (current or anticipated)
• The readiness of your technology (e.g. at proof-of-concept phase, already in use, etc.)
• IP you may have around the proposed technology
• Who you are and the expertise of you and your team or organization
• What you would need in order to continue the discussion or reveal the details of your solution. (e.g. confidentiality agreement)
• Budget and timeline estimate for the initial phase or for other arrangements as appropriate
- Consider the client's funding amount and your budget as starting points in the negotiation

 Other Suggestions
• Use the professional language of science/engineering/technology
• Avoid jargon
• Consider including photographs or a video clip if appropriate
• Attach supplemental information (such as a resume, brochure, or publication) to the end of your proposal

Our Clients evaluate...
• Partial solutions
• Proposals from collaborative teams
• Statements of interest from government laboratories
• Proposals from outside the E.U and U.S.


How Proposals are Evaluated
• We will use the information you provide to judge whether clinet should pursue more in-depth discussions, negotiations, or other arrangements directly with you. This initial evaluation requires about one week. Further evaluation of shortlisted proposals will be made by clinet and will take about two months.
• Farmavita.Net  will notify respondents if our client selected them for progression or not.
• If selected for progression, the next step would be a conversation either with Farmavita.Net or directly with the requesting organization to answer any outstanding questions.
• If both parties wish to proceed, the requesting organization may initiate a contract such as a confidentiality agreement for further detailed discussion, a face-to-face meeting, or a submission of samples for evaluation.

The final step would be a contract establishing an official business relationship. This could include a supply agreement, licensing, a research contract, or a joint development agreement.


More details

Name Description
Pharma licensing In-licensing (demand)

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Ad ID : 510
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