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Broccoli preparation



Unique extract of fresh broccoli as the guard and stimulator of natural immunity

Member of Farmavita.Net offer license for use of registrered trade mark, results of clinical studies and other product documentation. License is binded to supply of active ingredient. Extract of broccoli is obtained by the unique method which preserves all its ingredients in their natural form found in the fresh vegetable. Contact us for more details. 

broccoliInvestigations around the world, most in American medical centers, have established that compounds of glucosinolate group Indol-3-carbinol and Sulphoraphan, contained in fresh broccoli, stimulate detoxicating cell enzymes to intensified activity, thus ensuring the normal function of the cell.

The investigations have shown the disappearance of glucosinolates through ageing of the gathered broccoli so that after three days there are nearly no traces of them in broccoli. Our process is made up of anticipating and stopping the degenerative withering changes through quick extraction of water from freshly gathered broccoli, preserving in this way and retaining over the long run all the ingredients of broccoli. Process is carried out about room teperature with aim to avoid the thermal damage of the components.
Investigations carried out by Faculty of chemical engineering and Faculty of agriculture in Zagreb have confirmed the apropriateness of our procedure. In the light of such results, the importance of the usage of the fresh broccoli becomes cruical to ensure the quality of broccoli extract.

Related articles:

Broccoli Extract - Unique extract of fresh broccoli as the guard and stimulator of natural immunity

Broccoli Preparation -  Extract of broccoli is obtained by the unique method which preserves all its ingredients in their natural form found in the fresh vegetable. Contact us for more details.

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